MACRO SECTION Object: To examine a cross section of a weld for internal defects and soundness. Method: A transverse section of the weld is cut out. The cross section is then visually inspected. The section is filed down from rough to smooth, then emery or wet/dry papered down to a surface finish of 600 grit. The surface is then etched in NITAL (5% - 10% nitric acid in alcohol), washed off, rinsed and dried. (Possibly a final clean with acetone and mount in Bakelite) The specimen is then inspected at up to 10-x magnification. Reporting Results: Material. Welding process. Specimen identification. Sentencing standard. Thickness. Geometric flaws - type, size and location. Internal flaws - type, size and location. Parent metal flaws - type, size and location. Accept or reject, to standard, for each flaw. Comparison of macro section and micro section: ...
Casting the world, Forging the campus, Shaping the universe, Welding the rest of all branches, cause We are the Men, We are the machine, and we are Mechanical Engineer’s. Without us, physics is just theory