Inspection starts with examination of the material prior to fabrication, scabs, seams, scale or other harmful surface conditions may be detected in visual inspection.
The inspector should check the following :
Inspection starts with examination of the material prior to fabrication, scabs, seams, scale or other harmful surface conditions may be detected in visual inspection.
The inspector should check the following :
- Weld preparation, dimensions and finish.
- Clearance dimensions of backing strips.
- Alignment and fit up to the pieces being welded.
- Verification of cleanliness.

Visual Inspection During Welding
Visual inspection checks details of the work while welding is in progress. Among the details to be checked are :
Visual inspection is useful for finished-product verification of such items as :
Visual inspection checks details of the work while welding is in progress. Among the details to be checked are :
- Welding process.
- Cleaning.
- Preheat and inter pass temperature.
- Joint preparation.
- Filler metal.
- Flux or shielding gas.
- Chipping, grinding, or gouging.
- Post heating temperature and time.
Visual inspection is useful for finished-product verification of such items as :
- Profile irregularities of the weldment.
- Conformity to drawing requirements.
- Acceptability of welds with regard to appearance (eg: surface roughness).
- The presence of unfilled undercut, overlaps and cracks.
- Evidence of mishandling from center punch or other inspection markings or excessive grinding.